• Implementing a Priority Queue Using Heapsort in Ruby

    Heaps are a tree data structure that can be implemented using an array. In this case a heap will be a binary min-heap, which means each parent node will be less than the value of each of, at most, two child nodes.

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  • Creating Data with FactoryBot for Rails Cypress Tests

    I have been working with the wonderful and relatively new Cypress Test Runner to do integration testing for a Rails app with an extensive React/Redux frontend. It has been great. You can read about why it makes sense to use Cypress for testing Rails in this blog post.

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  • Deploying Jekyll Sites on Github Pages with Travis CI

    I use Github Pages to host this blog because it is free with the basic Developer subscription. Jekyll is a static site generator that is supported by Github Pages. To create a personal site normally all you need to do is create a repo called <your_github_username>.github.io and commit your Jekyll project directory to that that repo and all the html and css your site needs will be built and served at your GitHub Pages url. You can even alter the apperance of your site without editing a CSS file using one of a few supported Jekyll themes that Github Pages supports.

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  • Beginning

    I hope to make this a place where I can flesh out my thoughts and understanding on certain topics in the world of tech and web development by writing about them. This will be a scratch pad of sorts for my ideas and opinions. It is not my intention to present myself as an authority on any topic, more like a mad scientist throwing out ideas and seeing what sticks. Because like everyone who makes a living in tech, the things that I do know are greatly outweighed by things I do not. This blog, I hope, will aid me in my journey to help close this gap, even if it is only in some small way.